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Uniting her passions for music and history, Camryn (she/her) explores the Gaelic lineage through song, reclaiming the Scottish traditions of her ancestors and tending to their embers to honour the ancient ways through this modern-era. As a folk musician, she draws from her inspirations—the 60’s era, Earth-centredness, Ancestral lineages—and weaves their medicines into her own creative tapestry through poetry, song-writing, vocal improvisation, and instrumentation (primarily piano/guitar/bodhrán).


Camryn has studied classical piano under the guidance of Kati Gleiser, and is currently completing her first year of a BMus in the studio of Anya Alexeyev.


With a passion for natural health, she is also the Youth Ambassador for, as well as a Breast Health Educator with, MammAlive and the Healthy Breast Foundations.


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